Working Hard on Submission for Love Charity Anthology

I have almost a thousand words on it, and I really like where it’s going. Not to say it’s been a while since I wrote something like this, but I like that I get to touch on something I feel on such a personal level. I was bullied when I was a youth, not to the extent that I see these days, but I remember how hard it was in elementary school to be your own person when so many were telling you that you were doing it wrong. How do you be you wrong?

It still puzzles me to this day. Haha.

Still, thinking back on it as I write, if it was hard to be yourself correctly, then falling in love with someone was a hell of a thing. Adding in the small simple fact that you realize that you’re in love with someone of the same gender and that is your best friend–forget about it. There ain’t no goin’ back– you’ve dived into the wrong end of the pool and it hurts as you attempt to come up for air only to find you’ve not reached the surface.

Yeah, I can feel that. I can remember that pain. That is something I can write.